AHRC GCRF Minorities on Indian Campus Research Network Event

Wednesday 13th October 2021

Round table Discussion on Methods Methodologies to research Minoritisation on Campuses in India

Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor, Ashok Kumar Mocherla and Alison Halford

The AHRC GCRF Minorities on Campus network aims to examine how wider political discussions around nationalism, citizenship and international relations shape the identity of students categorised as minorities because of their religion, ethnicity or gender and their experiences of discrimination and equality.

At our first two network workshops, delegates spoke about the need to share expertise, ideas and thoughts around how to research lived experiences of diversity, minoritisation and politics on campus. To facilitate this we are organising at round table discussion for scholars from India, and beyond, to share their reflections research methodologies that may be used to research diversities on campuses. In the India Higher Education sector, there are concerns around academic freedoms, gender-based discrimination, religious intolerance and the marginalisation of minority groups that need to be critically interrogated. This roundtable discussion will examine the intellectual and practical changes necessary to enable research, while protecting the interests of both the research and researched.

Call for Papers

This roundtable discussion is aimed to facilitate less formal intellectual exchanges than those at traditional academic conferences. We ask participants to prepare short notes about their methodological ideas and concerns that take no more that 10-15 minutes to present. We ask participants to plan to include a range of disciplinary, methodology and subject expertise. Reflections on positionality will be a key element of workshops proceedings. We invite participants to speak not just as experts but also as living participants on diverse yet unequal campuses. Workshops will give equal weight to academic expertise as well as the lived experience of delegates. We aim to include an equal number of male and female participants and participants who speak from a range of minority positionalities. We welcome proposals from early career researchers and PhD students in an advanced stage of their work (3rd year or further in their research).

There is no need to submit a formal proposal. Instead please send us an email indication your interest to share your ideas at the roundtable discussion, together with a short bio (150 words) and a title / theme for your presentation. There is an opportunity to publish the papers as a short  blog (800 words) on our website. If you would like to avail of this opportunity, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.

Key dates:

  • Round table discussion date: Wednesday 13th October 2021
  • Deadline for proposals: Thursday 30thSeptember 2021
  • Final Programme: Thursday 7thOctober 2021